“Healthcare delivery, beyond patient care, has become administratively burdensome resulting in a diminished work-life balance for many physicians and practice executives,” said Tammie, president of Independent Practice Advisor, LLC, who is familiar with the demands of managing a thriving, growing practice.
Freeing up physicians to focus on patients, Independent Practice Advisor, LLC offers a comprehensive list of services that help practices of any size obtain expertise with proven results. Covering operations, financials, human resources and risk management, some examples show the breadth of support offered: stability and growth planning; revenue analysis with recommendations for improved security and growth; staff mentoring and training; organizational governance, and mergers and acquisitions. The extensive list available on the website demonstrates the flexible, on-going, and as-needed support designed for clients by Independent Practice Advisor, LLC.
“There is a tangible, cost-effective benefit to acquiring one-on-one expertise through a more personalized consulting model. Consulting has provided me the opportunity to collaborate with a variety of medical specialties, effectively resolving chronic issues and achieving goals specific to their practices,” said Tammie.
For example, working with this consultancy, practices can reduce staff turnover and increase productivity through workplace culture enhancements, training and mentoring, and accountability programs. Creating staffing stability has long-term positive impacts.
On the business side, financial analysis with solutions for improved cash flow and growth offers the insight needed to plan for future goals.
Tammie finds her passion enabling healthcare practices achieve their optimal potential. “In just the past year, I have supported a variety of practices with eliminating obstacles to practice efficiency, stability and growth. I truly enjoy the evolution from frustration to satisfaction, through achieving what is typically deemed to be impossible,” said Tammie, who strives to help organizations achieve success as well as work-life balance.
Independent Practice Advisor, LLC focuses on providing strong leadership, motivating talent to perform beyond expectations, and drawing on extensive business, operations, finance, and management experience to drive growth.
Independent Practice Advisor, LLC